BART Station

In a photography class at the Academy of Art, I was tasked with using photography and graphic design to create an ad campaign. The subject matter, company and product/service were left to my discretion. I choose the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), the main transit system for commuters in the Bay Area.
Bay Area Rapid Transit had a series of boring ad campaigns so I decided to bring it to life through play on words using the character Bart from the animated series the Simpsons. The attitude and general vibe of the character aligned perfectly with the transit stations. Instead of portraying a false image of a clean and friendly place, I embraced BART’s true nature and perpetuated it with the animated character.
Bart Simpson is an iconic figure. Employing him on scenic views of the transit system enabled me to show the rustic, urban beauty of the Bay Area Rapid Transit while offering a symbol that literally translated to the acronym of the company.